Monday, November 1, 2010

"Creating Justice" - November 10, 2010!!

Dear Friends,
On 10 November 2010, Dr. Mimi Silbert the CEO of the Delancey Street Foundation ( will be coming to Stanford University for the event "Creating Justice: Dr. Mimi Silbert on Breaking the Cycle of Poverty, Homelessness, and Addiction"!! How exciting!
Here's some background information: The Delancey Street Foundation is one of the most respected and well-established non-profits in the San Francisco Bay Area. Their aim is to rehabilitate those afflicted by addiction and those who are stuck in the cycle of poverty and homelessness in the Bay Area. How do they do that? Good question. Delancey Street's program is a two-year course and they "take applications from people who have hit bottom, from prison, jail or walk-ins. Residents who have been at Delancey Street awhile interview all applicants. The minimum stay is 2 years; the average stay is 4 years. We have 3 rules: no drugs or alcohol, no physical violence, and no threats of violence. The goal is to learn to lead a productive crime-free, drug-free life of purpose and integrity. Everyone learns a marketable skill (the goal is 3 skills), and earns at least a high school equivalency degree." Pretty amazing stuff, right? Delancey Street's success rate is not only a testament to the program, but to its founder, Dr. Mimi Silbert.

I hope you'll join me in hearing about her personal journey and social activism firsthand on Wednesday, 10 November 2010 at 7:00pm in Kehillah Hall at the Ziff Center for Jewish Life. The exact address is 565 Mayfield Ave (the corner of Campus and Mayfield). Let us all be inspired to act justly and create sustainable change.

In peace,

p.s - contact me with questions!

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